Upcoming Classes
Next Class: What is an End of Life Doula (and Do I Need One)?
New Date! Wednesday, 12/11, 5:30-7pm at the North Asheville Library {Free!}
~ In an effort to bridge the gap between the public and the emerging field of end of life doula work, Megan is offering a FREE talk at the North Asheville Library. There will also be time to share about our own feelings and experiences with death, in a gentle and supportive environment. ~
End of life (EOL) doulas each come to the field with their own specialties, but the main goal is often the same: to simplify what can be an overwhelming process of preparing for death, and to be a kind and supportive advocate along the way.
From paperwork and funeral plans, to doctor’s appointments and caregiver respite, EOL doulas help clients and loved ones navigate the practical and emotional challenges that may arise as death draws near, with inclusivity and affirmation at the forefront.
If you’re interested and would like to learn more, please register for this free event so we may plan accordingly. I look forward to sharing space with you!
Previous Classes
Flower Essence Workshop 5/24: Please join us for a flower essence workshop at the lovely Asheville Botanical Gardens. We will get to learn about some amazing native plants, their medicinal uses, and their spiritual, or energetic, use as flower essences! Using the energetic imprints of plants can be a lovely way to use plant medicine for those who are especially sensitive to herbs, are pregnant, or those who are curious about ways to work with poisonous plants in a safer way. We will spend the morning outside, making magic and basking in nature. Each person will have the opportunity to create their own special blend to take home.
Dísablót Workshop Online 3/24: Somewhat mysterious by historical accounts, yet universally understood to be a principal ritual day to the Old Norse, Dísablót honors the Dísir, by turns identified as female ancestors, forest spirits, and deities. In this online class, we will discuss the role of female-identifying ancestor spirits in Norse belief and ways to honor them. We will also take time to do a shamanic journey to receive guidance on healing our own ancestral lines, and dress a candle using rune magic to assist your personal practice at home.
Intro to Runes 12/23: An interactive overview of the “Elder Futhark.” Each rune is explored in-depth and examples shared for ways in which to engage with runes for greater personal clarity, direction, and connection to Spirit. Participants are invited to draw or carve their own set of runes as we talk.
Alfáblót Workshop 10/23: Held in the same season as Samhain, Alfáblót is the Norse sacrifice, or holiday, to honor male-identifying ancestors. (Dísablót, for female-identifying ancestors, is held in early Spring.) This workshop centers around shamanic journeying to receive guidance on healing the male ancestral lineage. Previously the Alfáblót Workshop has been held at a family farm, enabling participants to spend ritual time in nature, and included options for acupuncture and sacred movement practices.
Intro to Norse Seidr 7/23: Seidr is the Old Norse term for some combination of witchcraft, channeling and shamanism, the pre-Christian methods of divination and healing used in Scandinavia. This class covers an overview of Old Norse cosmology, and ways to utilize seidr practices effectively in modern life for personal guidance and connection to spirit helpers.